Why build with ThermaSteel?  Whether your house is in warm Hawai'i, hot Nevada or cold Michigan, you want to have a quiet, energy efficient home.  ThermaSteel's insulated xPanel technology, custom manufactured M-SIP / S-SIP thermally broken panels have super insulation performance as high as R49.  The result is significant.  You can decrease the energy required to heat and cool your home by up to 75%.

Save big time!  Panels arrive on-site ready to install.  No additional structure, No insulation, No sheathing and No vapor barrier are required: Four steps accomplished with each xPanel put in place.   Save on multiple material shipments and reduce your labor from four or even five trades to only one framer.

If your project is net-zero or a passive house, utilizing natural energy such as solar panels, due to the high efficiency of ThermaSteel xPanels, the energy requirement is less resulting in less solar panels which are more effective and your batteries last longer saving initial investment costs and providing higher power output.

Flame spread and smoke development tests show that ThermaSteel xPanels are one of the safest ways to build, saving on home owners insurance cost.  More so, the panels are not off-gassing, carcinogens, pathogens or allergens resulting in a completely safe and healthy environment especially for kids sleeping long nights inhaling indoor air.

Insects such as termites like to invade and live where they feed.  Because ThermaSteel xPanels offer no attraction as a food source, building with ThermaSteel instead of wood is the best way to ensure pest-free living.  If your project is in a termite zone - you are safe using our panels.  And you've just eliminated the need for termite killing poisons around your living area. 

If your project is on the coast or in a hurricane zone, our panels are rated and tested for the Miami Dade Hurricane wind and projectile protocol.

Wood-based products have vulnerability to moisture, mold and mildew.  ThermaSteel panels are made of steel and EPS insulation making them resistant to fungi and molds.  So build a home with our S-SIP / M-SIP panels and be worry free.

If your project is in an earthquake zone - you are safe with us.  ThermaSteel panels weigh on average 45 pounds each (4' by 12'), being so light means they will not vibrate in a seismic event and will not crack.  We have even tested and certified for Richter scale magnitude 9 earthquakes from Russian lab tests.

We are pioneers in Eco-Friendly manufacturing.  Our production facility is 100% recycled and waste free.  Even our light gauge studs consist of up to 20% recycled steel.

ThermaSteel began manufacturing panels in 1970 in Radford, VA.  We manufacture panels for multifamily, mid-rise and commercial.  We've completed over 75,000 projects.  We can do your project too.